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Why B- Work Might Be Your Best Work

If my kids see this, they’ll likely question my honesty about the title. And I get it. When I first heard the concept of B- work, I mentally upgraded it to B+. Accepting “good enough” was hard for me. Maybe it is for you too. But let me explain why embracing B- work can be a game-changer.


First, we all have goodness to offer, and the world needs it. But waiting for perfect means holding back, and that’s a real loss. Your B- work can still create ripple effects of positivity—work that never sees the light of day helps no one.


Another reason? It combats procrastination and perfectionism. Striving for perfect can be a sneaky way to avoid the discomfort of being judged. We work and tweak, holding back because “it’s not ready yet.” But discomfort is the price we pay to achieve our dreams—and it’s worth it.


Finally, let’s talk production. The more you put out there, the more you learn and grow. If I make 50 decisions in a week, I’ll learn 50 lessons, versus obsessing over one perfect decision and learning one slow lesson. Quantity breeds feedback and growth.


Take the picture that goes with this post. I was visiting my daughter, and she asked if I could braid her hair before a banquet. I could either spend time getting it “perfect,” making her late, or I could whip out a B- braid that looked just fine, and she arrived on time. Most people don’t notice our so-called B- work—it often looks like an ‘A’ to them!


B- work doesn’t mean sloppy work—it means thoughtful, intentional work without the endless tweaking and polishing. It’s about doing your best in the time you have and then moving forward. The truth is, people rarely notice the difference between your B- and what you imagine A+ to be. What they do notice is your contribution, your consistency, and the value you bring.


I’m still practicing this myself. A bigger example? I recently launched a course. It’s not filled with fancy presentations or tons of fanfare, but it’s designed to help people who want mental clarity and coaching but might be too hesitant to meet face-to-face. If I’d waited for it to be flawless, I probably wouldn’t have put it out at all. But it’s out there now, and it’s already helping people take their first steps toward clarity. And that’s what matters—imperfect action that leads to growth.


So, what are you holding back on because it’s not “perfect”? Your contribution—however small it seems—can make a difference. If fear or perfectionism is getting in the way, let’s talk. I’m just a free calendar appointment away.


High five ✋


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