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Overcoming Barriers to Progress


Updated: Feb 18

If there’s a team out there to be revered and admired, it’s Team Action! Aren’t we often in awe as we watch people that seem to have more energy than the Energizer Bunny on steroids and accomplish feats that would even leave Elon Musk himself astounded?"


Taking action often breeds accomplishment and self-confidence, while procrastination can lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment.


While taking action toward your goals, to-do lists, work projects, and commitments can be satisfying, it's important to remember that your worth isn't determined by what you accomplish or don't accomplish. You are inherently valuable, just by being here on this earth. Although this topic could warrant its own blog post, I wanted to touch on its significance here. [If you're curious to explore deeper into the profound connection between self-worth and accomplishments, click here for a free enlightening video.]


Interestingly, some barriers to taking action are incorporated in words containing 'action' itself. Meet Team Inaction and Team Reaction."


Here are some common barriers that stem from inaction:

  • Struggling to commit to personal goals or routines.

  • Overthinking decisions instead of taking decisive action.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by busyness and juggling multiple responsibilities.

  • Experiencing stress and exhaustion from balancing work, family, and personal aspirations.

  • Delaying important tasks due to perfectionism or fear of failure.


Now, let's explore some common barriers involving reaction:

  • Feeling frustrated, annoyed or resistant toward challenges.

  • Reacting defensively to criticism or conflict.

  • Experiencing self-doubt or comparison toward others' achievements.

  • Responding impulsively or regretfully in family or social situations.

  • Demonstrating impatience and irritability toward disruptions.


Reflecting on our tendencies toward inaction and reaction can be a powerful first step toward personal growth. Take some time to journal about moments when you've felt stuck or reactive. What patterns do you notice? Are there recurring triggers or situations that tend to elicit these responses? By becoming more aware of our habits and thought patterns, we can begin to understand the underlying reasons behind our inactions and reactions.


Once you've identified areas where you'd like to make changes, consider setting small, achievable goals for yourself. Whether it's committing to tackling one task from your to-do list each day or practicing mindfulness techniques to help manage reactive emotions, taking proactive steps toward change can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.


Remember, progress takes time and effort, and it's okay to seek support along the way. As a life coach, I specialize in helping individuals navigate challenges like inaction and reaction. I invite you to schedule a free session where together, we can explore where you might be feeling stuck and create a personalized plan for moving forward.


High Five!


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